Step 1

Go to Our Official Website and Choose the Menu

• Access our official website store:

• Choose the Menu

• Choose Catalog

Step 2

Choose the Product

• Choose Your Favourite Product

• Choose Your Size

• Choose “Add to Cart”

• Go to Cart

Step 3

Check Out the Product

• Click “Proceed to Checkout”

• Fill attachment form and check the “Email me with news and offers”

• Choose the Delivery Option:

  • • If you choose "Shipping," make sure to fill in your address accurately.
  • • If you choose "Pick Up," the store address will be automatically displayed.

Step 4

Complete Payment

• Make sure to note the payment method: Bank Transfer to BCA

  • • Bank BCA
  • • Account Name: Entin Kartina
  • • Account Number: 7750750413

• Click "Complete Order" at the bottom

• Receive a confirmation of the completed order and take note of important information

Step 5

Confirm Your Order to Our Customer Service

• Go to the main page

• Click on the "Whatsapp" logo in the bottom right corner

• Initiate a chat with Customer Service "Cekhas" and attach the transfer confirmation

• Provide the following information:

  • • Order Number
  • • Name under which the order was placed